Still had a bunch of pictures that were enough for a huge last London post. Filled with random snap shots and pictures from the John Lewis Christmass & party season presentation.
What are you looking at?
1) Me with fellow blogger Cindy and Fashiolista's Aranka
2) Fiona Paxton for John Lewis jewelry
3) At the John Lewis presentation
4) Our shoes
5) Mini burgers, yeah!
6) Waiting in the airplane for 3 hours makes you do silly things
5) Mini burgers, yeah!
6) Waiting in the airplane for 3 hours makes you do silly things
7) Leopard hair tote at the presentation
9) Me taking a picture
10) Tracey Boyd dress at the presentation
11) Backstage at press show
12) John Lewis selection of best x-mass gifts 13) Love bracelet in the selection
For more, also follow me on: Bloglovin', Fashiolista and Twitter!