Exciting news at Power Femme all around!
The lovely Lilit at Makeup and Macaroons asked me to contribute to her Lipstick Love of the Week series, and my post is now live! I showcase two of my favorite current lipsticks, Revlon Super Lustrous Matte Smoked Peach and Revlon Super Lustrous Siren. To check out my post, please click here! But don't just stick around to read my post- I really recommend subscribing to Lilit's blog, if you haven't already.
Also, we are now in triple digits my friends! It sort of crept up on me, but Power Femme has just reached 100+ followers, an astonishing milestone for me. I will save the sappiness for the upcoming giveaway announcement, but thank you for being such so amazing and fierce and for supporting my blog. Keep your eye out for that giveaway announcement!
Check me out on Makeup and Macaroons!