Milani Hi-Res (+ OPI Black Shatter)

Behold the holo deliciousness that is Milani HD Holograhpic Nail Lacquer in Hi-Res. It is a gorgeous medium purple holo that really needs to be seen in person to be fully appreciated. The holo effect, especially in sunlight, is so magnificently shiny that it appears blurry in photographs. All the better, I snagged it at my local drug store for less than $6 (you can also find Milani on Cherry Culture).

 After a few days I splashed some OPI Black Shatter on top off Milani's Hi-Res for an edgier look. Despite the fact that Blogger is being a butthead and keeps flipping my pics, I am including them below because the effect was too cool not to show you all. I love how the holo peeks through the cracks of the shatter polish. 

Also, it seems only appropriate that I mention this historical date.  Take a moment to honor the lives that were lost in 9/11, and the efforts of the individuals, both civilians and emergency response team members, for being brave in the face of tragedy.

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