We have exactly 9 weeks to go untill it's officially spring. And what beter way to count down than by having a weekly trend report? I'll be presenting my nine favorite trends of the season. So by the time it's spring you have your info and you're ready to shop!
Those of you that live in leather skinnies and skirts, like me, are not to worry. Leather summer wear is making an entrance, and a big one at that. When stores like H&M and Zara are stocking up on leather shorts, you simply know there's no way back. The leather styles are a bit less biker / goth chic and more subtle and feminine so that's why I called it leather light. And most of it is in black or earthy tones, which makes these pieces easy to use in fall as well. Although I doubt the comfort level of leather in the burning sun, for spring this trend definately appeals to me. Light brown shorts with an off white, flowy blouse would be my combination of choice. What are your thoughts on this trend?
On edition 2: Mixed prints
Style file: Leather Light