Wishlist: a twist

Some items I wouldn’t mind adding to my closet and I can see endless outfits with. And since I still get lots of e-mails about my big silver H&M Trend cuff - I can't blame you, I love it too - I thought I’d throw that one in the mix too. I might actually buy it since I like to have a back up for my favorite things, as long as my wallet allows it.

To go to any of the items, simply click on the description:
1. Acnegrey twist top
2. Asosneon yellow clutch
3. Preen Linesmocked leather pants
4. Preen Linecut out metallic jumper
5. Butter Londonbordeaux glitter nail polish
6. Topshop dress
7. Surface to Airplatforms
8. Asossilver statement cuff (budget favorite!)

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