So here's what happened. I log on to my blog (a steady morning ritual) and noticed I had passed 1000 followers over night! A THOUSAND followers! Things seem to go by the speed of light. At first I was thrilled with over 500 daily hits. Now each month around 75.000 of you surf to This chick's got style.
You have been amazing, visiting my blog, giving your feedback and leaving sweet comments. A special thanks to the returning readers and visitors, who I always recognize by name and picture. It means a lot to hear from you time after time!
To thank you, I'm (randomly) giving away a bag by Dutch designer Susan Bijl. It's made out of kite fabric and has a great graphic feel to it. Perfect to just throw your stuff in on a casual day. If you're not a follower yet, you can become one by simply clicking on Follow at the right. (you can also participate if you're not a follower). Just leave a comment or your e-mail adress! Big hugs, Yara
ps. I'm now also on Bloglovin so you can add me there as well!
And the winner is... # 34, My I.D. is E.E.D. (I couldn't find your e-mail adress so you can e-mail me on thischicksgotstyle@hotmail.com) Enjoy!