Look at those cool scooter chairs!
I'm back! London was great. Beautiful weather, good shops and very nice restaurants and bars! Thanks so much for the good tips, I printed them out and they were extremely helpful!
Obviously we were very surprised to hear about MJ, especially since my boyfriend is a very big fan (he was also going to the concert in London). Also the trip back was very hectic, haha! We were still stuck in traffic by the time our gate closed! 15 minutes after that we were running through the airport like mad men (I even took off my shoes!) and were lucky enough to be given access to the plain. What an adventure!
I bought some very nice things, like the Topshop skirt in the first picture, a topshop skinny jeans, a zara T, a black zip skirt, a nailpolish, a very cute silver necklace by COS - that I've already lost :( - and some fashion magazines. I personally think the UK has (some of) the best fashion magazines! There will be some pictures of what I bought later!